‪First Ever Animated Tattoo - By K.A.R.L.‬‏

<div class="yt-alert yt-alert-error yt-alert-player yt-rounded "><img src="//s.ytimg.com/yt/img/pixel-vfl3z5WfW.gif" class="icon master-sprite" alt="Alert icon"><div class="yt-alert-content"> You need Adobe Flash Player to watch this video. <br> Download it from Adobe. </div></div>

I was just thinking of creative uses of QRcodes. I've seen them on tshirts...this is better.


<div class="yt-alert yt-alert-error yt-alert-player yt-rounded "><img src="//s.ytimg.com/yt/img/pixel-vfl3z5WfW.gif" class="icon master-sprite" alt="Alert icon"><div class="yt-alert-content"> You need Adobe Flash Player to watch this video. <br>

40,000 oranges squeezed: A Facebook campaign to smile about

Prigat, a leading company in the Israeli fruit juice market, has come up with one of the most innovative Facebook campaigns you are ever likely to see. The application works by encouraging users to smile more and share it with their friends and the more users smile the more juice gets squeezed in a real life juicer. The best part is all the bottles of squeezed juice are sent to a charity of your choice. (via thenextweb.com)